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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Sep 26, 2023

KIB 411 – Understanding the Day of the LORD

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


The Fall feasts are prophetic divine rehearsals for the triumphant return of Christ as Messiah ben David.  In this episode, we examine the continuity of 1 Thessalonians Chapters 4 & 5 – how both are dealing with the Day of the LORD but are...

Sep 20, 2023

The Reformation Continues – Part 3

Biblical Life TV | BLTVSPG2023-Lake-1-3


The reformation did not stop with the early reformers.  The Holy Spirit has been laboring to bring the Body of Christ to maturity and wholeness.  However, we must work with the Holy Spirit to maintain balance and ensure that the truths...

Sep 19, 2023

KIB 410 – Contend, Retrieve, and Establish

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


We are in a prophetic season of asking Heaven to contend with the kingdom of darkness.  We must engage in a spiritual process:  Contend, retrieve, and establish.  It is time to move forward into our destiny in Christ.  It is time to move into...

Sep 13, 2023

The Reformation Continues – Part 2
Biblical Life TV | BLTVSPG2023-Lake-1-2
The reformation did not stop with the early reformers.  The Holy Spirit has been laboring to bring the Body of Christ to maturity and wholeness.  However, we must work with the Holy Spirit to maintain balance and ensure that the truths that...

Sep 12, 2023

KIB 409 – The Watcher Influence in the Final Conflict

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


End-Time spiritual warfare will be different than at any other time in world history.  The full council of Hell is gathering for the final conflict, including the Watchers.  Yet, Christ promised us in this final hour that the gates...