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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Dec 30, 2013

God has released a prophetic word for us to use to navigate 2014.  First we are to get deeply established in God's love for us, for truth, and for justice.   Secondly, this is the year God is going to require us to face and take down our giants.  Those giants are between us and our Jubilee and they cannot be tolerated...

iTunes Podcast Submit will be off-line from Dec 21 - 27

Dec 20, 2013

We just received word that iTunes "Podcast Submit" will be off-line from Dec 21 - 27, but you can still download new podcasts directly from our LibSyn page: 

Dec 17, 2013

Biblical Life Deep Waters Podcast - Episode 6:  Kingdom Productivity 3.  
We need to realize all that we lost when Adam fell in the Garden and how Jesus came to demand it back because He loves us so much.  In fact, love is the very reason God created the Heavens and the Earth - to build a house for His family.  In...

Dec 9, 2013

Biblical Life Deep Waters Podcast - Episode 5:  Kingdom Productivity Part 2.  In this episode, we are pulling from the Biblical Life Audio Archives to bring you a powerful message I taught several years ago entitled "A Call to a Life of Fasting."  Find how many endeavors in the Kingdom of God will only move forward...

Dec 4, 2013

With this podcast, Dr. Lake begins a new series entitled "Kingdom Productivity."   This new series is a unique blending of Kingdom and Spiritual Warfare principles drawn from God's Word and best practices within the field of productivity to take you to a new level of effectiveness in your studies, ministry, and God's...