Sep 28, 2021
KIB 324 – Prayer with Life-Saving Results!
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
The prophet told Hezekiah that he was going to die. Yet, this ancient king turned his face to the wall in prayer and wept sorely. Isaiah returned quickly and said that Almighty God had given him 15 more years. There are many things that...
Sep 14, 2021
KIB 323 – Lies and Deceivers
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Few today realize that the book of Psalms was not only the hymnal for the Early Church but also the prayer book. The book of Psalms is not only a book of comfort but also an essential book of spiritual warfare! It is time that the Remnant returns to their...
Sep 6, 2021
KIB 322 – The Prophetic Example of David in Exile
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
There was a time in David’s life when he forgot who he was and how he was supposed to walk. To escape the wrath of King Saul, he befriended a pagan king and began living among them. God caused the king to reject him, and...