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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Jan 24, 2018

KIB 157 - The Journey, Spiritual Weights, and Hell’s Velcro
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary discuss prayers that can be said for believers that feel stuck in their journey toward advancing deeper into the Kingdom.  As Mary was praying for individuals and was asking Almighty God...

Jan 17, 2018

KIB 156 – The Iniquity Force, the Remnant, and the Future Fall of the Lucifer’s Kingdom on Earth
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
On today’s podcast, Dr. Lake and Mary discuss the delicacies of Babylon as written in Revelation 18:3.  Dr. Lake takes a look at the Greek word for delicacies and draws a comparison to...

Jan 9, 2018

KIB 155 - Treasure Hunting in the Kingdom
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Join Dr. Lake and Mary on today’s podcast, as they discuss the importance of finding the treasure that Almighty God has placed within you.  Dr. Lake talks about how demonic strongholds are positioned to keep the giftings of God buried within...

Jan 2, 2018

KIB 154 - Restoring Vision, Abiding in Christ, and Taking Down Your Giants
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
On today’s podcast, Dr Lake and Mary discuss what’s on the horizon for this coming year.  To realign with the Kingdom, three issues must be addressed:  biblical vision or purpose, abiding in Christ, and taking...