Sep 25, 2019
KIB 228 – Praise, Authority, and the Fall Feasts
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
It is time for the Body of Christ to return to the Book of Psalms and to enter into the Fall Feasts with biblical praise. Drawing from Ps. 67 and 92, the Lakes show how praise will open the door for divine justice and healing. It...
Sep 17, 2019
KIB 227 – Developing Functional Faith
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
As we approach the unfolding of biblical prophecy, it is going to become essential for functional faith to be developed within the Remnant. In this episode, the Lakes discuss both the necessity and process of developing functional faith in our...
Sep 10, 2019
KIB 226 - Time for Divine Intervention
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In this episode, Dr. Michael and Mary Lou Lake discuss how we are in a strategic season for spiritual warfare and its connection to Psalm 28. It is time for the Remnant to seek heaven for divine intervention! The Lakes also discuss Proverbs 7 and...
Sep 3, 2019
KIB 225 - Celebrating the Fall Feasts
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In this episode (and by popular demand), the Lakes share about the Feasts of the LORD and include ideas for decorations and activities to make the Feasts memorable and biblical for your family. They also share about the upcoming Marriage to the Beast...