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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Jan 26, 2021

KIB 294 – We Need a Kingdom of God Override

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


The techno-sorcery of Mystery Babylon is breaking in America.  The veil of the Matrix is failing, and we are seeing that our Republic is in ruins.  We are entering into a Haggai moment in which priorities must be changed, attitudes adjusted,...

Jan 19, 2021

KIB293 – For Those That Grieve Over the Lawlessness in America

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


We are on the edge of spot judgment.  More and more corrupt individuals are being revealed by the day.  At the same time, more Americans and Christians are in grief over the evil taking hold of this nation.  We are at an...

Jan 15, 2021

Truth, Light, Darkness, and Judgment
Biblical Life TV | Understanding the Kingdom Series UTK83
The Word of God commands us to “prove (or test) all things.”  In a season of disinformation, this command is more important than ever.  We also discover from the Word that truth, deception, light, and darkness always...

Jan 12, 2021

KIB 292 – Still Standing

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


After the tumultuous last week, we have to be focused and not waiver in the spiritual war being waged for the nation.  Mary encourages the listeners to trust in God, and she discusses some of the ways God protected the Lake family during the last 26 years, even...

Jan 5, 2021

KIB 291 – Things Are Getting Crazy; Must Be Close to Victory!

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


The closer we get to the Electoral College showdown in Congress, the crazier things are getting.  Yet, in the midst of this chaos, God is about to bring divine order.  Also, Dr. Lake shares about what the Holy Spirit revealed...