Mar 30, 2021
KIB 302 – Passover, Jericho, and Bringing Down Strongholds
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
This episode begins with Mary discussing both ribbon and Barbie doll programming. Then, Dr. Lake examines ancient secrets regarding the foundations of Jericho and its Nephilim connection. Finally, Joshua’s biblical template...
Mar 24, 2021
Mar 23, 2021
KIB 301 – Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In this Passover season, it is time to remove everything (leaven of Mystery Babylon) from our lives that keeps us from receiving all the Lamb of God has accomplished for us. We must become that Remnant that can stand with Messiah ben David...
Mar 16, 2021
KIB 300 – Multidimensional Gates and the Machinations of Hell
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
The gates of hell are opening, and their plans are unfolding before our eyes. However, Jesus promised us in Matt 16:18-19 that the full onslaught of the enemy would not overcome His “called-out ones!” It is time for the...
Mar 9, 2021
KIB 299 – Enemy Gateways and Portals
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
“What’s your sign?” is more than just a pickup line used in discos. The zodiac represents ancient gateways to fallen immortals that seek to govern over the lives of fallen humanity. It is time for the Remnant to be aware of both these ancient...