Sep 29, 2020
KIB 277 – From Rubbish to Restoration
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Mystery Babylon corrupts and overturns spiritual landmarks and foundations to turn a people away from God. In the days ahead, the task of the Remnant is to rebuild and restore the true landmarks and paths of righteousness. The Remnant must also be...
Sep 21, 2020
KIB 276 – Trumpets and the Pending Judgment of God
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
The Feast of Trumpets is not only a time in which Heaven makes announcements, but the King draws near to hear from His people. In the light of the Color Revolution that is being planned in America by the radical left, the Days of Awe...
Sep 15, 2020
KIB 275 – Seeds and Roots: The True Nature of Spiritual Warfare
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Seeds bring roots and then fruit. This concept is true with both God’s seed and the seeds of darkness. Level 1 spiritual warfare requires us to attack the enemy’s root systems in our lives, while at the same time...
Sep 8, 2020
KIB 274 – The Spirit of This Age and the Secret of the Remnant
Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In 2 Kings 11, we read the story of Jezebel’s daughter, Athaliah. This same spirit is in the ascendancy in America today. The Word outlines the overthrow of Athaliah, and these details are a prophetic image of what can...
Sep 8, 2020
Seeking and Flowing in the Kingdom
Understanding the Kingdom Series | UTK81
Biblical Life TV
Many times, we gloss over rather than dig deep into the words of Jesus. Seek first the Kingdom, Your Kingdom come, and the Kingdom is like leaven are good examples of what the modern church simply skims through. Yet, these...