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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Jan 28, 2016

KIB 68 - Breaking the Power of Ahab and Jezebel
M&M Edition | Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
Dr. Lake and Mary discuss how powerful Jezebel and Ahab spirits have taken positions over the United States, and how they have orchestrated the wounding of so many in order to set up a spiritual network that they can operate...

Jan 13, 2016

KIB 67 - The Task Before Us
M&M Edition | Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In this episode, Mary Lou shares about a prophetic dream that she had regarding the state of the Church today and calls for a higher level of sanctification in the Body.  Dr. Lake also shares about his experiences in Social Media and the lack...

Jan 6, 2016

KIB 66 - New Prophetic Insights for 2016

M&M Edition | Kingdom Intelligence Briefing
In this episode, Dr. Michael & Mary Lou Lake discuss what God has shown them regarding 2016.  There will be a tearing down of false foundations and the re-establishing of godly foundations in the lives of both Christians and...