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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Nov 29, 2022

KIB 375 – A Maccabee Moment:  Enough is Enough

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


The Remnant is entering their Maccabee moment:  they have had enough of Mystery Babylon.  Now is the time to drive out the influence of the priesthood of darkness and cleanse God's temples.  Now is the time for a fresh dedication...

Nov 22, 2022

KIB 374 – Keeping a Kingdom Paradigm

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


God hates injustice (Prov 6:16-19). As we pray, the Almighty will reveal and bring to justice those in government and industry who have sought to destroy America and enslave the world. It is also essential to keep a Kingdom mindset amid all that is...

Nov 17, 2022

KWR0026 – Moving Forward from Here

Kingdom War Room


Co-Hosts Dr. Mike Spaulding and Dr. Michael Lake sit down with attorney and prophecy teacher John Haller to the state of the nation and the state of the church, as well as how the Body of Christ can move forward.


Round Table Participants:


Dr. John E. Haller: ...

Nov 14, 2022

KIB 373 – A Rahab Moment in the Future

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


The fear of the LORD is powerful:  it can transform those caught in the worst of circumstances and bring them in line with Kingdom purposes.  We are entering a season in which the Holy Spirit will release this holy fear to transform captives...

Nov 4, 2022

KIB 372 – The Rip Heard Around the World

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


In this episode, Mary releases a prophetic word regarding the illegal contracts the world leaders, nations, and organizations have made with the fallen denizens of the Second Heaven.  Those contracts with hell have been torn and the throne of God...