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Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Welcome to the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast.  KIB’s purpose is to provide an intelligence briefing for the Body of Messiah that will inform and empower the Remnant in the Last Days.

Sep 8, 2020

Seeking and Flowing in the Kingdom

Understanding the Kingdom Series | UTK81

Biblical Life TV


Many times, we gloss over rather than dig deep into the words of Jesus.  Seek first the Kingdom, Your Kingdom come, and the Kingdom is like leaven are good examples of what the modern church simply skims through.  Yet, these words of Jesus are powerful and hold a secret to moving in Kingdom power!


Dr. Michael Lake is the Senior Pastor of Biblical Life Assembly, the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive:  Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, and The Sheeriyth Imperative:  Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell.  Dr. Lake is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.